Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is a JMP extension?
How do I get started on creating a JMP extension?
Are there guidelines I should follow when creating JMP extensions?
Are there guidelines I should follow for Python integrations in my JMP extensions?
Do extensions have a retention or removal policy?
Do I need to maintain my extension after publishing it?
What is the extension review process?
Can extensions be removed?
How do I update the documentation for my published JMP extension?
How do I create a new version for my published JMP extension?
Can I trust extensions from the JMP Marketplace?
How do I know if an extension will work for my version of JMP?
JMP Marketplace Support
I'm having an issue with the JMP Marketplace. Where do I go?
I'm having an issue with an extension. Where do I go?
I have a concern about an extension, question, or review on the site. Where do I go?